Erlenstar Mountain

Sims 2 Royal Kingdom Blog

Location: California, United States

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Army Camp: Round 5, Episode 1

Messages to Erlenstar Mountain from the camp near Eagle Pass

Lord Spirel of Hlurl to Duchess Raederle of An
Day 1, Fall

My beloved,

The army has arrived at the chosen site and set up our camp. All seems well—in truth, at times it is hard for me to believe that we await the arrival of our most dread enemy, since our time here has begun with such peace. The camp is well-situated, close to water where the men are able to fish to augment the supply train, and with ample pasturage for the horses.

Close upon our arrival, the Prince called his noblemen together to discuss our strategy and the deployment of our artillery and our forces.

His Majesty relies heavily upon the guidance and wisdom of his brother by marriage, Baron Heureu, as well as upon Lord Astrin of Ymris, who is a learned man with a great understanding of tactics and strategy.

In addition, we receive consolation and direction from the Abbot, Reverend Father Aloil.

No consolation however is enough to relieve me of the want of your presence. It grieved me beyond measure to leave you as I did and I will not soon forget your sorrow.

I beseech you to keep a smiling face and a brave heart for the sake of our son. The thought of his face, along with that of your own dear countenance, fills my memory to the exclusion of all others.

I pray that all is well with you, beloved, and that you have had the news you longed for about the babe.

Your loving husband,

Baron Heureu of Ymris to the Lady Auber of Ymris
Day 2, Fall

My lady wife:

I hope that this letter finds you and the children well, and that you are feeling stronger than when I last saw you.

It was hard for me to leave, especially now that you are increasing again. My thoughts have been with you all.

However, it is clear that my presence here has been of great value to Prince Tirunedeth. All indications are that our plan has worked, and that the false intelligence which he had his chatelaine convey to the spy at the wedding has been accepted as genuine. If we can surprise the enemy as they slip through the pass, we have a great chance of killing enough of them that we can buy peace for our people, perhaps for a generation or more. Astrin’s best guess, based on his contacts in the thieves guild, is that although powerful, our enemy are few in numbers.

The Lord Prince has weighed our options with care, although I fear me that the responsibility lies heavily upon him. He sits for many hours before making his disposition of troops, and I know that he worries for each of his men when he must place them in a position of danger.

It is truly said that a crown is a lonely burden, and a heavy one. I do all I can to support his Majesty, and to be brother as well as friend to him, to the best of mine ability.

As for myself, all is well. I find some comfort in talking with my grandfather’s old friend, Abbot Aloil. Truly he is a man of great spiritual depths, as well as great subtlety in more worldly matters. You and the children, as well as the babies to come, are in my heart always.


Chrisolaryx Fletcher to Clethra Oakland Fletcher (inscribed by Reverend Father Aloil)
Day 1, Fall

Dear wife,
His honor the Abbot is kind enough to write this for me, so that I may send news to you about myself. He will tell the messenger to ask the Reverend Mother Grania to read it for you. I hope that you and the children are all healthy and that the harvest has been a good one. I am glad that you have the boys to help bring in the crops. I hope that Laurus has accepted my decision that he is yet too young to join the fighting, and that he is a support to you and to Aunt Michelia and the children. I know that it was hard to know that I must go.

So far I must say that things have not been as I expected—life is good here in camp. We fish, care for the horses, and take care of our own needs.

We share our latrines and facilities with their Lordships and even with His Majesty the Prince, and you would be surprised to know that they are much like ordinary men.

Most of the men keep their spirits high, although of course we wish for this time to pass so that we may return to our farms and our families in peace.

There is always a man on watch toward the Pass, so do not fret about my safety. It’s a funny thing, though, we’ve seen a lot of wolves around, even in the daylight. I guess maybe it’s just that we’re out here in the woods, but it almost seems like they are watching the Prince. But that sounds silly, I know. Must just be an odd chance.

That’s all, I guess. I hope to see you before winter, if all goes as the Prince hopes. Keep well.

Your loving husband,
(by the hand of Aloil, Abbot)


Blogger SirenPrincess said...

Wow, I am so impressed with your photos. I can't imagine the time you put into finding all of the great CC and making battle camps. The horses are really cool. You have a lot of great shots, too, and worked them in well with the text. I am in awe.

5:16 PM  
Blogger Infinity-Nevermore said...

Wow, this is really good! One day I'm going to start the Royal Kingdom Challenge. But I'm way too interested in long challenges for my own good. For now I'm content to read yours. I really enjoyed catching up with yours. Keep writing!

6:53 PM  
Blogger Sally said...

Yey - another update! Gorgeous pictures - I love the horses. Nice development on the stroy-line.

1:42 PM  

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